Company status / Patents & Intellectual property

We will be the best company with a frontier technology and know-how.

  1. 2000 award certificate for the Gyeongsangbuk-do governor

  2. 2010 award certificate for the Small & Medium sized Enterprise

  3. 2008 award certificate for the Small & Medium sized Enterprise

  4. 2008 award certificate for the Small & Medium sized Enterprise

  5. 2013 award certificate for the Small & Medium sized Enterprise

  6. the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Energy

  7. a citation for the Prime Minister

  8. a citation for the Prime Minister

  9. Grand Prix of Small & Medium sized Enterprise 2005

  10. a million-dollar export tower

  11. award certificate

  12. the Prime Minister's prize

  13. Registration Number of Design 30-0827015 : Automotive electronic system integrated test simulator for education

  14. Registration Number of Design 30-0882320 : Panel training apparatus for the automotive engine schematic

  15. Registration Number of Design 30-0878071 : Stand for cable holder

  16. Registration Number of Design 30-0876750 : Automotive transmission training apparatus

  17. Registration Number of Design 30-0819663 : Sensor training apparatus of the automotive engine control system

  18. Registration Number of Design 30-0819662 : Rotary engine training apparatus

  19. Registration Number of Design 30-0819660 : Automotive hydraulic system training apparatus

  20. Registration Number of Design 30-0819659 : Automotive transmission training apparatus

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